Other Forms of Busyness
Apart from my private practice, I had also been a facilitator in various Enhanced Step-Up Programs (ESU), doing contract work in schools, and giving parenting and mental wellness talks. In 2012, I published my first book Lessons in Therapy, a difficult yet exhilarating process which I will never forget. The start of my training company, Creative and Experiential Therapy Institute (CRaETI) was a different experience: giddying at the start, but something that needs unyielding stamina and a tolerance of uncertainty to sustain. I used to bring in trainers from USA to conduct therapy courses for therapists, and also meet up with a bunch of sandplay therapists every month to learn, laugh and enjoy each other's company.
I recently completed my contract as Assistant CEO of a counselling school in Singapore, and have recently stepped down from my position as 2nd Vice President of the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). My stint at both places were spurred from wanting to contribute to the welfare and professionalism of counsellors in Singapore, and I am glad that some of my time and contributions has made an impact.
Currently, I am taking a break from leadership positions, to rest and take stock of my achievements and growth, while pondering about what I will like to do next. In view of the COVID19 outbreak and pandemic, this 'lazing around' has been disrupted, and I have started a Free Counselling Initiative, with fellow counsellors who have volunteered alongside me, to provide free counselling sessions to those impacted by COVID19. If you are keen to take this up, or to take up the 1st counselling session free setup, please contact me at consult@hweebs.com.sg to find out more. Another project that I had started, was to do an online live broadcast on Youtube fornightly at 3pm Singapore time. With this project, I hope to support people in their mental health during this COVID19 situation, and later, to share information about counselling and mental health in order to demystify and destigmatize people from seeking help.
In my website earlier, I had stated that I will be spending time publishing theories about human needs on this website. I have come to realise that I am more private than I thought, and I don't really have the interest nor need to share my thoughts on this platform. However, I regularly post articles and share my thoughts on LinkedIn, and you may wish to look at my posts at https://sg.linkedin.com/in/hwee-boon-toh-ba7008146/. Moving forward, I will like to spend time on consolidating mental health theories, conducting research, helping people come to awareness and their personhood, and spending more time on myself for introspection, spiritual development, creative projects, meaning making, and being in communion with nature and the universe.